Thursday, February 19, 2009

stubborn ole mule!

How does the old saying go? “Stubborn as a mule” I believe is what people say. Are you stubborn? Before you answer, listen to these definitions: 1. a. Unreasonably, often perversely unyielding; bullheaded. b. Firmly resolved or determined; resolute. 2. Characterized by perseverance; persistent. 3. Difficult to treat or deal with; resistant to treatment or effort. I will admit that at times I can be stubborn…just ask Kim. But what if you had a sickness, or you were in some major predicament that just made your life miserable and someone came along with the solution. Do you think you would listen to them? If they said, “Do this and that and you will be rid of your situation,” would you do what they said? I’m sure you are nodding your head yes right now. Have you ever read the story of Naaman the leper in 2 Kings 5? Naaman was the captain of the Syrian army. He was a man of prominence. He was powerful and he could show no weakness. People obeyed his commands and they feared him. Yet this mighty warrior had a disease, leprosy. Even his accomplishments and medals couldn’t hide this disease. Namaan heard of a man of God named Elisha that could heal him if he would go and see him. He did yet Elisha didn’t even bother getting up from his seat. He sent a messenger to Naaman and told him what he needed to do. his directions were to Naaman was to dip seven times in the Jordan River. Simple enough wouldn’t you say? But not Naaman! He was furious. He was upset because Elisha didn’t come and meet him and he wanted to dip in one of the “cleaner” rivers in the area. In fact, Naaman was so mad he left in a rage! His servants found him and talked some since into his head and said, “look big fella’, if you want to be healed just do what the guy said and dip yourself in the Jordan seven times.” He finally wised up, obeyed, and was healed. Now, I ask you again, “Are you stubborn?” Why is it that we know what God wants but we refuse to do it? Whether it’s to obey his Word for salvation, do a particular task, live a certain way, or abstain from certain things, etc. Why do we act like Naaman? Think about it! There are so many people who have heard the Gospel message yet they continue to live with leprosy. They live with the pain and stench of sin and think nothing of it. Or what about us as Christians? We come to church, we know what God’s Will is for us yet we refuse to obey His directions! What are you NOT doing that you know you SHOULD do for God? My prayer is simply this, “Lord I believe…help my unbelief” (Mark 9:24) Don’t be stubborn as a mule… Randy

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