Friday, April 10, 2009

Peace to you...

Peace. Is that something you have or do you live in fear, worry, and dread? Can you imagine being one of the followers of Jesus, you just witnessed Him being crucified by the Romans, and now it could be your turn! They had a right be afraid. They had no idea if the soldiers would come to their house, knock on their door, and carry them away to be beaten or even put to death. We find them huddled together in a house, the door shut and locked…why? John 20:19 says they were afraid of the Jews. Jesus appears in the room and the first words out of His mouth is not “hello” or “it’s me, good to see ya”…no…His first words are “PEACE BE WITH YOU.” After showing them His hands and His side and allowing them to rejoice for a few minutes, Jesus repeats these words, “Peace to you…” After all He is the Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:6). How relaxing this must have been. They have gone from hope to no hope and now back to hope!
There is no peace like God’s peace. Listen to what Paul says in Philippians 4:7and the peace of God which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. David understood this concept. If you read the book of Psalms it won’t be long until you read how David is surrounded by people who hate him and want him dead. But in the midst of his trials and tribulations he cries out to God to rescue him, to be his rock, and his hiding place. He asks that God will give him strength and deliver him from his enemies. He understands God’s peace. We will never understand God. His ways are not our ways and His thoughts are not our thoughts (Isaiah 55:8). Our way of thinking is limited. God is not. For example, we don’t know what is going happen in the next few seconds. God knows what will happen 100 years down the road. But we can understand god’s peace. We can experience God’s peace and when we do, there is no other place you would want to be. This world is full of turmoil and strive, we need God’s peace. I don’t know how people make it without it. Again, listen to what Paul said, “God’s peace will guard our hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. No matter how bad things get, we don’t have to worry or fret. We will be alright. Another example for you. The apostle James has just been beheaded in Acts 12:1-2. Peter was next. He has been arrested but he has to wait in jail a week because of Passover. I would be going absolutely crazy knowing that I can’t see my family and in a few days, they wouldn’t have their provider anymore. Who is going to take care of them? But not Peter. Acts 12:6 says that Peter was chained between two guards sleeping. That is the peace of God. What troubles are you facing today? As I am typing this I sit in a waiting room at Vanderbilt hospital waiting for my ten year old son to have an EEG for his epilepsy. As I walked the hallways going back and forth to the car and sit in this room I have seen several children with disabilities that is worse than what we face. God, give them peace. As we live our day to day lives in this troublesome world full of heartache, pain, and sorrow, give us Your PEACE. Randy

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