Monday, November 24, 2008

I said “good morning” to an older gentleman this morning at work (Piggly Wiggly) as he passed by me. Then I asked him how he was doing and he made a comment that let me know he was just glad to be alive. He said, “We are never guaranteed tomorrow” and these comments sparked a short conversation. The man said something that was so simple yet profound. It spoke volumes. I have made the same comment many times during a prayer, a lesson, or a sermon. This guy said, “We have so much to be thankful for and we just take it all for granted.” Then we proceeded to mention things we take for granted like the air we breathe, being able to walk, eat, etc. It is so easy to lose sight of this idea because we “just take it for granted.” Think about it for a second or two…Did you wake up this morning wondering if your heart would be beating? No. You expect it to be beating…if it doesn’t you won’t be thinking at all! Did you go outside and get in your car thinking, “I hope this thing gets me to work”? Unless you drive a clunker, the answer is no. You reached in your pocket, grabbed your keys, put them in the ignition, and started down the road be-bopping to some music and didn’t give it a second thought. We just expect it to happen. I can go on and on with so many examples but I believe you get the point.
There are tons of verses in the Bible about giving thanks and I challenge you to take a look at some of them. But one that I want to share with you is Psalm 118:19 which says, “Open for me that gates of righteousness. I will enter and give thanks to the Lord.” Don’t wait until you gather with your family for Thanksgiving dinner this Thursday to say “Thanks”. Say it today, right now! Say it every day as you begin your day. “Lord, I thank you for all your blessings. Thank you for all those things we take for granted each and everyday. Thank you for salvation. Thanks.”

This is an awesome song written by Dennis Jernigan

Thank you, Lord

For all that You've done, I will thank You

For all the You're going to do

For all that You've promised

And all that You are

Is all that has carried me through

Jesus I thank You

And I thank You

Thank You Lord

And I thank You

Thank You Lord

Thank You for loving and setting me free

Thank You for giving Your life just for me

How I thank YouJesus, I thank You

Gracefully thank You

Thank You

© Dennis Jernigan

1 comment:

Bluecanary said...

Good to see you posting again. Whenever I get done with all the stuff I have to do for this semester, I am going to need to get away for a couple of days, so I may be heading your direction.

Have a happy Thanksgiving, and thanks for the reminder of the simple joys and blessings of life.

P.S. Hehe, my word verication was rextolve. Sounds like a medicine I never want to have to take.