Monday, March 31, 2008

Being Patient

Yes, it is the dreaded "P"word...patience. It's a word that I do not like very much and something I'm definitely not very good at. I have preached on this subject many times in my short preaching career but it is easier said than done. If you have read my blogs at all then you noticed that I lost my job a few weeks ago. It has been a little over three weeks now. I have sent resumes to several churches all over the states but I haven't heard much out of them so far. I keep wondering, "God, what are You up to? My pay will run out soon and I need to take care of my family!" Then I hear His reply..."Patience. Trust Me." It's tough. Really hard! Yesterday, the preacher at the church we visited preached on the Lord being Light and that He lights up our path as we take one step at a time. the Lord showed me something while I was in Iowa, an idea that I will share later on. right now it's in it's infant stages and I'm doing a lot of planning, thinking, and praying. We truly want God's will to be done. We want to walk in His blessings and not do something selfishly. I know God will take care of us...He always has. He has brought us through so much and when this test is over, we will be stronger and He will get all the glory. Keep us in your prayers...Randy

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