Thursday, March 6, 2008

Bottled up Jesus

What would you say is the biggest problem one faces in telling people about Jesus? What keeps a teenager at school from living like Jesus amongst their peers? What is it that keeps Jesus all bottled up on the inside of us when we know that people are in need of Him? What is it that keeps us from doing “good deeds” and giving God the credit? Why do we have so much trouble in sharing God’s Word with the lost, asking them for a Bible study?

I know at WinterFest the top answer was “we just don’t care,” but I don’t think everyone necessarily thinks that. I know I care about people’s souls but I still don’t do all the things I should. I don’t take advantage of all the opportunities that God gives me. For instance, when I was the Meat Department manager for a grocery store I was the first person at the store and I would be there alone for about an hour or so. Occasionally, there would be this guy that came in to buff our floors. He got there earlier than I did. He was very friendly and we would have small conversations when he was there. He liked to tell jokes and they were always clean. On this particular morning he had told me a joke and for some reason I decided to be brave and ask him about his faith. He told me he was a Jehovah Witness. All of a sudden a fear came over me like “what am I going to do?” and “what am I going to say?” after all I didn’t know how to talk to a Jehovah witness! (this story took place about 12 years ago) I locked up! I didn’t say anything about my faith and I didn’t mention Jesus. After he left I felt so terrible. I was ashamed because I could not “Speak Up For Jesus.” I even had a couple of chances before he left but I could not bring myself to talk with this guy. I did what most of us do…I said to myself, “I’ll talk with him another day.” That “another day” never came. That guy was killed in a car wreck just a couple of days later. I felt horrible. I had a chance to share Jesus with this guy and I blew it! It still shakes me up to this very day! The very next person I came in contact with that I knew was lost, I shared Jesus to them.

What was my problem with sharing Jesus with this guy? FEAR. Fear that I wouldn’t know what to say if he asked questions. Fear that I wouldn’t say the right words or things. FEAR! And because of my fear, I let a lost man go without sharing with him Jesus and he died never getting another chance! I still wrestle with fear. I have so many ideas rolling around in my head to do for ministry but I am afraid to step out and do them. We have a new coffee shop in town where people hang out. I wanted to go and just sit and meet people there but I was afraid. I am writing this blog from here now. Fear is one of the biggest tools the enemy uses. We MUST overcome our fears. If we want to be a servant of Christ we must conquer! Think of the early church. When Jesus was first killed on the cross, do you remember what they were doing and where they were at? They were hiding out in someone’s house because they were afraid (John 20:19)! But not long after that they were filled with boldness and they risked their lives to tell people about Jesus. And because of their boldness, even facing death, the church served Christ and His blessings were upon them. They church grew exceedingly and became stronger and stronger.
We have overcome. We don’t have to be afraid. We are the winners! We have been filled with the Spirit of Christ and in Him, there is no fear. There are too many souls out there, all around us who need Jesus and we have Him to give. Go out and conquer in Jesus name! 2 Timothy 1:7 For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.

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