Friday, July 11, 2008

yard sales

I am setting on my front porch at 6:30 in the morning having a yard sale. I've been out here since 5:30 and we have actually had one customer. We did OK yesterday making about $25 but today is going to be even better. Why do people have yard sales? Think about it. Is it to make some money? Of is better to make a little money off your stuff instead of tossing it all away or donating it. After all, you may bring joy to someone! You know what they say, "Another man's junk is another man's treasure!" Here is my idea of a yard sale. A yard sale is a turning away from the past and looking toward the future. Let me explain. I was moving some shoes that my boys used to wear when they were toddlers. They are now nine and six and can no longer wear them. It brought back some old memories of them being that little. That is in the past. Now we are selling the past to buy some things for the future such as a new PS2 game or a new soccer ball.
It reminds me of the passage in Philippians 3:13-14 Brethren, I do not regard myself as having laid hold of it yet; but one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. Paul is speaking to the church at Phillipi and he is reminded of his past, of what he used to be. He has an awesome resume...except that persecuting Christians thing. He says that all of his accomplishments were trash compared to knowing Jesus and striving to be like Him. Paul says that he wants to know Jesus better, to know His power and then he says the above passage. I have done a lot of good and bad things in my past. I have made some good and bad decisions. I believe we can all say that. But today, this yard sale is more than making money, it's about turning from the past and looking to a bright, wonderful future serving my Lord and Savior in a place where I wanted to be since I was a kid-East Tennessee. As the old song goes, "I don't know about tomorrow...but I know who holds tomorrow and who holds my hand." Randy

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