Tuesday, January 22, 2008

a little fussy

My family took a pretty long trip this past weekend. Besides my wife pointing out that we had a low tire because of a roofing nail and having to find a tire shop FAST, we had a good trip. My boys never complained, but they were quick to let me know they had to use the bathroom. But my two month old daughter, well, she is a different story. She did great until about 30 minutes before our arrival there and then on the way home she let loose about an hour before we pulled in the drive way. She was tired of laying in that car seat. Every thing we tried to pacify her did not work, and if it did, it only lasted for a few minutes. The boys were pleading with us to "make her quit crying!" They were even saying "please!" After we had gotten home she was still a little fussy. Kim and I just kept taking turns holding her and loving on her and she finally calmed down and went to sleep. When she woke up this morning she was all smiles. She was out of that car seat and glad to be home.
Our lives is like a series of road trips. We travel for a while and everything is fine but sometimes we get "caught in traffic" and our trip is slowed down and "this or that" takes longer than planned, or we run into an unexpected detour and we begin to get a little fussy. We don't have time to make a pit stop to get some rest because we have a destination that we have to arrive to so we just keep going and going, exhausted and cranky. I want to challenge us all to slow down...no stop... just get off the road for a while and take a break. Get some much needed rest. Sip on a soda, eat a snack, and most of all, spend some quiet time with God. He will refuel your tank and your "life trip" will be more enjoyable. Jesus says in Matthew 11:28 Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Randy

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