Friday, January 25, 2008


I absolutely hate to read. I am ashamed to admit that I don't believe I have ever finished a book from cover to cover. Nope. It's true. I would rather be doing something else. I love being outdoors with my kids, playing, coaching sports, or riding a skateboard. Anything but reading. I have a hard time disciplining myself to actually sitting there for awhile and staying focused on the book. My mind likes to wonder...But with all that I said, I am learning to read. No, not learning as in "I can't put words and sentences together," but reading. I'm training myself to actually sit some time aside to focus on a book. Right now I am reading John Eldredge's book, "Wild At Heart." My goal is to have it finished by this weekend because I have ordered another book entitled "The Externally Focused Church" by Rick Rusaw and it should arrive soon. I would like to read a book a week or at least every other week. Why the change? I have a back injury which limits what I can do. The doctors want me to have surgery. My orthopedics doctor said I am improving but I can't even run on a treadmill yet. I am having to make some serious "life adjustments." It's very difficult when your whole life you have been very athletic, active and now I'm like an old race horse with an injury...useless. So I am learning to read. And I'm finding out that it's not so bad! At least I'm broadening my mind. What problems are you facing? Don't give up. Pray for the Father to give you strength to endure. Don't look for a way out...Ask God to give you strength to cope, strength to endure. Remember, problems and difficulties come to pass, not stay. And when we come through them, we are a stronger person and our faith has grown as well. Ephesians 5:20 giving thanks always for all things to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Thank you Father, not only for the good times, but also the the bad times. Thank you for taking this lump of clay and molding it into what you would have me to be. Amen. Randy

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